
encoway is the leading full-service provider for all areas of Configure Price Quote (CPQ) and market-oriented variant management for the manufacturing industry in the DACH region.

encoway products and services accelerate sales processes, open up new sales channels and consistently increase process efficiency. encoway advances the digitisation of its customers and ensures the efficient marketing of multiple-variant products, systems and solutions.

encoway delivers sophisticated CPQ software with a strong focus on intuitive data and rule maintenance, that perfectly matches the business models and individualisation strategies of our customers. According to their specific requirements, its clients are provided with standard CPQ software, individual configuration solutions based on this software, and eCommerce solutions with 3D visualisation that impress both customers and dealers. encoway CPQ allows end-to-end processes and seamless interaction with IT infrastructures such as SAP ERP, Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

encoway CPQ and EPLAN

In encoway’s CPQ solutions and product configurators, CAD and EPLAN models can be integrated and automatically generated in accordance with requirements. For example, circuit diagrams can be generated at the touch of a button to suit the configuration – that previously had to be created manually with considerable effort. Providers of complex solutions and their customers benefit from considerable time savings.

The highly effective, experienced project management team uses professional project management to lead customer projects to success in a cost-effective, target-oriented and partnership-based way. The encoway Consulting team provides in-depth, end-to-end consulting and solution-oriented maintenance and other services help our customers to fully exploit the potential of encoway’s powerful CPQ solutions on a sustainable basis.

encoway is an owner-managed company with more than 200 employees. encoway’s customers are medium-sized and large companies from the mechanical engineering, electrical and related industries and include Hager Group, Hornbach, KHS, Lenze, Lisec, Phoenix Contact and Sick.